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Nagappan Ulagappan, Ph.D.
MS Calvin lab, MS3-136
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, CA 94720
Fax 510-486-6059 email
Tel(lab) 510-486-4307 Tel(h) 510-524-1389
Seek position in web development and programming
Visiting Research Scientist (Aug‘97-till date), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley. Work on web development and various scientific software using java, administrating group computers, maintaining group web
Visiting Scientist (Feb‘97-July‘97), Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. Worked on the windows, Mac, UNIX environment using scientific and presentation software
Research Officer (May‘96-Jan‘97), Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India. Worked on implementation of scientific software in Silicon Graphics and installing and maintaining various instruments with UNIX and windows environment
Research Associate (Aug‘95-May‘96), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Worked on implementation of scientific software in Silicon Graphics and installing and maintaining various instruments with UNIX and windows environment
Junior Research Fellow (1989-91) & Senior Research Fellow (1991-95), Anna University, Madras, India. Worked towards Ph.D. in science, used UNIX environment to do calculations and extensively used shell scripts. Implemented several scientific programs in UNIX and VAX
Lecturer (Dec‘88-Apr‘89), St.Joseph‘s college, Tiruchirappalli, India. Teaching the undergraduate science course
Teacher (Nov`98) Teaching computer Science to senior high school students
National level research fellowship was awarded two times
Created and maintained several web sites; home page and links
Ph.D. Science (1989-95) Anna University, Madras, India. Worked in UNIX and extensively used Shell scripts, and implemented various FORTRAN programs and research on materials
M.Sc. Chemistry (1984-86), Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India: Advanced Mathematics, electronics, PASCAL and chemistry
Diploma in Distance Education, IndiraGandhiNationalOpenUniversity, NewDelhi : Designing self study courses
Bachelor of Library and information science, Annamalai University: Information science, Information handling, assorting and dissiementation
Additional courses: Operation Research and Statistics (Operation Research Society of India)
Computer Skills
Operating Systems
: Windows NT and 9x, OS2, Mac and UNIX (linux, xenix, irix, Solaris)
Programming: HTML (advanced), DHTML, CSS, Java scripts, Perl, Java (beginner), FORTRAN, Shell scripts.
Software: PhotoShop, Illustrator, presentation software (Origin5, MS office, Corel) and scientific software, Potential ability to learn any programs or software myself in a short time
Professional Activities
Member in WorldWideWeb Consortium (W3C) (1999)
Oracle OTN member (1998)
Safety officer for our group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Available on request